Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Idle Mind

First let me say that all in all I'm pretty pleased with life at the moment. My last post pretty much sums up the majority of my mental health, and I'm so greatful.

Today when driving home by myself, however, I found my mind wandering to my ever predictible single status and I had one of those "poor me, poor me" moments. Is it spring? I'm not sure. But I need to find something to do during my long drives by myself other than dwell on what doesn't make me happy. I need to learn to story tell or something.

Because we all know an Idle Mind is the devil's playground. And he will wreck havoc with my mind if I let my mind wander when I'm alone.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's that moment....

It's that moment when you're just standing there and then all of a sudden someone is hugging you, and then before you know it someone else yells "me too" and makes it a group hug....

It's that moment when you finally pull up to the spot you've been looking for to pick up your friend and can hand over the keys of your car and they will drive you to your next destination....

It's that moment when you think you won't be able to laugh any harder then you are at that moment, and you're laughing with someone you just really got to know the day before....

It's that moment when someone asks you to share about your life and then just sits and listens because they truly want to know the answer....

It's that moment when you can walk into a group of people you haven't seen for months or years and pick up as if no time has passed at all....

It's that moment when you have to end a good phone conversation but the person promises to call back as soon as they can because they know there's even more to talk about....

It's that moment when you realize you're only going to have 40 minutes to visit, but it's enough because that's 39 more than you really needed....

It's that moment when the rainbow pops out of the sky, as vibrant as can be....

It's that moment when you realize that life is, really and truly, good.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Only Almost a Month Late

Hey. So this post was supposed to be written on Feb. 14. However, being the huge slacker I am, it's just been sitting in my brain for almost a month.


Valentine's Day.

I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. I love it because I love love. I love the idea of being in love. I love brotherly love. I love romantic movies, watching cute couples, showing love to my friends and family. Really, I love love. But I also kind of hate Valentine's Day because there are so many people who don't like the holiday and try to make it "Singles Awareness Day," and instead of alieviating the singleness issue, seem to highlight it. Like I don't struggle with those depressing thoughts enough already. Sometimes I actually hate cute couples instead of liking them like previously stated. (If you're new, which I don't think many are, I am single. And have been for 23 years as of the 19th of this month. (But, really I guess less than that because, honestly, who dates when the are 2?))

Well, let me tell you what I did this Valentine's Day. I took communion. Three times.

First at the church where I was speaking about camp (something that I love).
Next, at a retirement community where my mom was telling Bible stories for their evening worship. (Being with my family is something I love).
And finally at a Candlelight service for the Greater Cincinnati Young Men's Chrysalis. (A program that I have been involved in for many years and have come to love, and love all the people involved with it).

Communion. Three times.

Communion for me reminds me of the greatest sacrifice ever made. The fact that the Creator of the Universe loves me to make that kind of sacrifice.... It floored me this Valentine's Day.

And in the light of that LOVE, why would I worry about being single?

I wouldn't.

And it was a great day.

I know it's belated, but: Happy Valentine's Day!!