Sunday, October 18, 2009


Sorry for such a long absence. I've been spending the last few weeks pondering on something that I ponder on quite often, which is: why did I attempt to re-start a blog? I'll be the first to admit that my blog posts never really seem to make sense, and also that my blog as a whole (at least at this time) doesn't seem to have much of a point. Then I read my friend Joanna's blog entry entitled why? in which she linked to this article which was very thought provoking indeed.

Now, of course my response to this article is no where near as wonderful as Jo's (girl, you're awesome!). In fact after reading that I almost came right back here to shut my blog down at once. However, I feel as though this blog is going to go somewhere. I don't know when or how, but it will.... eventually.

I just need to figure out a way for it to have a point, a way for it to direct glory upward and not me-ward, and to spread light and truth in a way that is fun and not too preachy. I'll probably ponder on it lots more and then be back.

As a closing thought, though, I really like what the article's author's daughter had to say about spending time - if you've got some spare time for crying out loud do NOT come here to read my blog - go do lots of wonderful, more productive things and then come by for a visit. I promise, it'll be here waiting for you whenever you come around.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Katie! I always find your posts interesting and enlightening so I'm very glad you're here to stay! And I too agree with the author's daughter's mentality...though lately I've felt the need to read and write blogs. ;) Praying for strength and perseverence for you, lady! There are greater things yet to come, where God will use you in amazing ways!
